Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Poverty Solution (Dirjen Cipta Karya)

An Action Research in District of Great Aceh

Great Aceh is one of districts in Aceh Province, it's located closed to Banda Aceh with capital city is Jantho. The area of Great Aceh is around 2.974,12 sq miles and number of population is 351.418 people. Nowadays, many people come to this area to see old history of Aceh which still kept well in several place such as Tumulus of Laksamana Malahayati (Aceh's Heroine), Kuta Indra Parta, Mesjid Purbakala Indrapuri and enjoying beautiful view of beaches and traditional delicious foods.

Poverty in Great Aceh
Everyone know, research have been proved that Aceh as a rich province in Indonesia which stand in 7th level out of 33 provinces  (PECAP: 2010). Even, in 2014 Aceh's budgeting reach the amount of Rp13,3 billion increasing year by year. Although they have much money, the people still in poverty line or also in 7th position of poor provinces in Indonesia.
The government try to find problem solving to this case. They give Jadup (Jatah Hidup), Raskin (Beras Miskin), BLT (Bantuan Langsung Tunai) to decreasing the number of poor people in Aceh. This program absolutely cannot solve the problem and not decreasing the number of poor people effectively, only change some effects of poverty in Aceh. Based on statistic data showed that 17,72% of Aceh population are poor  (BPS: 2013).

In Great Aceh also have poverty problem so much. Poverty reduction is a very complex development problems and challenges have dimension locally, nationally and globally. This led efforts to tackle the problem of poverty can not be separated from the national strategy for sustainable development (Sustainability Development) in a country. According to United Nation Development Programs (2002), there are three basic requirements for the achievement of sustainable development:     
      • Poverty reduction,     
      • Changes in consumption and production patterns that do not support sustainability, 
      • And protection and management of natural resources in a sustainable manner.

Today, the bulk of countries around the world began to busy in poverty alleviation of finding creative solutions. There are programs that promote preventive curative and rehabilitative programs. In this regard, Indonesia through financial support from the World Bank successfully introduced a social justice program for men and women that is Selaras program initiated by the Director General of Human Settlements (Dirjen Cipta Karya).Selaras program is an advanced program of PNPM Urban aimed at improving cooperation between men and women so that they can participate equally and fairly in society activities to combat the roots of poverty.

will be Continued....

Prefecture Osaka (大阪府), Japan

 144 hours in Sakai City, Osaka-Japan


Osaka Prefecture (大阪府-Ōsaka-fu) is a prefecture located in the Kansai region on Honshu Island, the main island in Japan. Osaka is the capital city of Osaka Prefecture, the city was designated as one of the Chosen City by the Local Autonomy Law. Osaka is the third most populous city in Japan after Tokyo and Yokohama. It is located at the mouth of the Yodo River on Osaka Bay. Osaka is the largest city in the region as an industrial center and Keihanshin port for Osaka metropolitan area-Kobe-Kyoto. In the east, Osaka near to Kyoto and Nara, in the west near to Kobe city. Osaka also known as Gate of International Trading.

Sakai City (堺市)

Sakai City (堺市-Sakai-shi) is second biggest city located in Osaka Prefecture, Japan. It has been one of the largest and most important seaports of Japan since the Medieval era. 
Sakai is also known as hometown of Nintoku-Tenno-Ryo Kofun, Ancient Tumulus.  The largest of Daisen Kofun is believed to be the grave of the Emperor Nintoku which keyhole-shaped tumulus and it is the largest grave in the world by area.
Town of Knives
Once known for samurai sword, Sakai is now famous for the quality of its kitchen knives, the most high-quality Japanese cutlery originates in Sakai. Its production is a major traditional industry in the city. Sakai Knives are popular and widely respected among professional chefs, whose skill is said to be reflected by their choice of knife.

Town of Bicycles
Sakai was the biggest firearms-producing are in the Azuchi-Momoyama period (late 16th c.). The gunsmith's techniques were fully employed in the repair of imported bicycle and the production of parts during the Meiji period (late 19th c.). Sakai produced the first bicycles in Japan and still commands a nearly 40% share of domestically-made bicycles. In Sakai city, there is also a Bicycle Museum Cycle Center where models from the world's oldest bicycle to the latest Olympic-grade bicycles are displayed.

Birthplace of Sen-no-Rikyu and Wabi-Cha
Sen-no-Rikyu or Sen Rikyu (千利休- 1522- April 21, 1591) was born in Sakai and he is also a tea ceremony master who perfected the art, culture and tradition while serving as the tea ceremony instructor for the famous warlords. He introduces several key aspects of the ceremony, including rustic simplicity, directness of approach and honesty of self.

Japanese Garden (Moss Garden)
Japanese gardens (日本庭園-Nihon Teien) are traditional gardens in Sakai city that create miniature idealized landscapes, often in a highly abstract and stylized way. The gardens of the Emperors and nobles were designed for recreation and aesthetic pleasure, while the gardens of Buddhist temples were designed for contemplation and meditation. Japanese garden styles include Karesansui, Zen gardens which are meditation gardens where white sand replaces water, roji, simple, rustic gardens with teahouses where the Japanese tea ceremony is conducted. Japanese gardens were developed under the influences of the Chinese gardens. A 26,000 sq miles garden created by traditional Japanese method. It's displayed the moon bridge, various elegent Chinese style buildings, quiet ponds, clear streams, and more by enjoying to taste Japanese tea while overlooking the garden. 

Minggu, 30 Maret 2014

Traveling to Japan (JENESYS 2.0)

Tokyo, February-March 2014


The development of a nation is not based on wide area or the number of population. It isn't also because of geographical location and political system. Even, the natural resources can't bring welfare in country, if state leader and citizens not qualified. The development of nation are absolutely depend on Stakeholder  and quality of Citizens, both of them have big influence as active elements to achieve goal of the nation becoming Baldatun Thayyibatun Wa Rabbun Ghafur.

The Nation of Japan

Looking at the Geological condition, Japan closed to the area of Earthquake and Tsunami but still able to developing themselves being one of welfare counties in Asia. Even though only has a small area (145,925 sq miles) and limited natural resources, Japanese Government very smart in implementing the good planning to reach success to the nation. It's also motivated by the good quality of human resources who have brilliant life planning, high self-discipline, and have thousand strategies for developing themselves and their people.

Nowadays, Japan becoming leader in producing, inventing, and first market for creative technologies. Who know, the bad story in the past, when a part of their country was broken in 1945, didn't make them give up in promoting the spirit of new life in the future. It was proving by them, today Japan is the best country in valuing the history by "learning from the experiences". Japan has a long history, until now they still keep its very strong because they believe that the great nation is who take care their story alive.

The Issue of Property

Kemiskinan merupakan trending topic kependudukan di berbagai belahan dunia saat ini. Berdasarkan pengamatan, kebanyakan negara-negara yang berada didekat garis ekuator memiliki tingkat kemiskinan yang cukup tinggi. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang berada tidak jauh dari garis ekuator. Tahun 2013,  jumlah penduduk miskin di Indonesia mencapai 28,07 juta orang  (11,37 persen), berkurang sebesar 0,52 juta orang dibandingkan tahun 2012 yang mencapai 28,59 juta orang (11,66 persen) (BPS: 2013).
Pembangunan suatu negara akan tercapai dengan pengenalan program-program atau langkah strategis dalam pengembangan kapasitas sumber daya manusia yang mampu menjawab tantangan zaman. Penduduk yang berkompeten adalah mereka yang mampu men-drive diri, keluarga dan lingkungannya jauh dari angka kemiskinan. Untuk memcapai semua ini, pemerintah harus memberikan perhatian penuh pada masyarakat miskin dengan memperkenalkan program penanggulangan kemiskinan untuk mendukung pembangaunan nasional.
Aspek penting untuk mendukung langkah strategi dalam penanggulangan kemiskinan adalah ketersediaan data kemiskinan yang akurat dan tepat sasaran. Pengukuran kemiskinan yang efektif menjadi instrumen tangguh bagi pengambil kebijakan dalam memfokuskan perhatian pada kondisi hidup orang miskin. Data kemiskinan yang baik dapat digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kebijakan pemerintah terhadap program kemiskinan, membandingkan perubahan angka kemiskinan, serta menentukan target penduduk miskin dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki taraf hidup mereka.
Solusi cerdas yang dapat diambil adalah dengan menentukan kategori, standar dan program penanggulangan kemiskinan yang efektif untuk mengentaskan angka-angka kemiskinan yang menjadi masalah utama bagi negara-negara di dunia.